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Series: New Testament Eschatology

From time to time, I hear a lot about the early church’s understanding of the “end of the world” or their belief that the “Second Coming of Jesus” would take place within their generation. And it’s usually not in a very good light. “They were obviously mistaken,” is often the remark I hear most. I know it’s hard to imagine but what if we’re mistaken? What if we’ve misunderstood what they meant? I’m hoping that this series on some of the major statements from the New Testament about the “end of the world” will show that they weren’t mistaken in their understanding of the “signs of the times.” Before we begin, however, let’s look at some terms that will have to be used. As most of you know, I try to refrain from using big “church” words. My reason for this is because those words are like suitcases where ideas and thoughts and understandings are packed into them. To explain the words would mean a long time spent unpacking the suitcases and explaining their contents. While such a pil...

Some Standing Here...

There’s a passage that comes into my line of sight from time to time on Social Media. As it pertains to eschatology (the study of last things) — immortality, “heaven,” “hell,” judgment, etc. —I always have to consider if I should respond or just keep scrolling. Most of the time, I just keep scrolling or I’ll refer to my series on New Testament Eschatology . But I didn’t address this passage in that series, so I thought I’d address it today.   Mark 9.1 (CEB [1] ):   Jesus continued, “I assure you that some standing here won’t die before they see God’s kingdom arrive in power.”   Here’s the part that gets me. Some people are quick to point out that this was fulfilled by the following section:   Mark 9.2-9 (CEB):   Six days later Jesus took Peter, James, and John, and brought them to the top of a very high mountain where they were alone. He was transformed in front of them, and his clothes were amazingly bright, brighter than if they had been bleached white. Elija...