Didache—Chapter 13
13 Every Genuine prophet 13:1 Every genuine prophet who wants to live among you is worthy of support. 13:2 So also, every true teacher is, like a workman, entitled to his support. 13:3 Every first fruit, therefore, of the products of vintage and harvest, of cattle and of sheep, should be given as first fruits to the prophets, for they are your high priests. 13:4 But if you have no prophet, give it all to the poor. 13:5 If you bake bread, take the first loaf and give it according to the commandment. 13:6 If you open a new jar of wine or of oil, take the first fruit and give it to the prophets. 13:7 If you acquire money or cloth or any other possession, set aside a portion first, as it may seem good to you, and give according to the commandment. This chapter can be a little tricky if it’s taken out of context so we need to address a couple of things. First up is the idea of a “prophet.” What’s a prophet? Are there prophets today? In Judaism, a prophet was a sp...