Hebrews 10 and Ultimate Redemption — Part 1
A good friend recently asked me how the unpardonable sin in Hebrews 10.29 can be reconciled with Ultimate Redemption. Before I address this passage, though, we have to lay some groundwork. And that foundation can be summed up in one word — Eschatology. When we think of eschatology we think of the end of the world (especially if we’ve been indoctrinated by the “rapture” culture and the Left Behind books). In my series, New Testament Eschatology , we discover that eschatology is more about the end of ages and nations than the end of the world. This misunderstanding is compounded when it comes to the end of the Jewish age or the Old Covenant Age embodied by its ritualistic System (from here on OCAS). We’ve been taught that the end of the OCAS happened either at the cross or the resurrection or Pentecost. Some of us thought it ended with the Incarnation. Heck, even our Bibles add to the confusion because they tell us the “Old Testament” (Covenant) ends ...