Proper 28 (33) (Year A)
Matthew 25.14-30 (TIB; adapted): [1] “Again, [the Realm of heaven is] like a wealthy landowner who was going on a journey and called in three workers, entrusting some funds to them. 15 The first was given five thousand dollars, the second two thousand, and the third one thousand, according to each one’s ability. Then the landowner went away. 16 Immediately the worker who received the five thousand went and invested it and made another five. 17 In the same way, the worker who received the two thousand doubled that figure. 18 But the worker who received the one thousand instead went off and dug a hole in the ground and buried the money. 19 “After a long absence, the traveler returned home and settled accounts with them. 20 The one who had received the five thousand came forward bringing the additional five, saying, ‘You entrusted me with five thousand; here are five thousand more.’ 21 “The landowner said, ‘Well done! You’re a good and faithful worker. Since you were dependable in a...