Education for Ministry

efm.pngI am so excited!  I have started EfM this year and am chomping at the bit.  This is a four year program to help people with ministry.  It covers the basics of a theological education in the Old and New Testaments, church history, liturgy, and theology.  Last night was the first class and it covered the typical introductory stuff.  One thing that is done at the beginning each year is to establish Guiding Principles -- kind of a guide to help us keep on track.  A couple of the best things was confidentiality and 'no cross-talking'.  These two things alone will help set a nice 'safe' place for us to discuss things openly without worry of childish name-calling.  Another important guide is that of growth.  The idea is that we come to class with the mind set on being stretched theologically.

This is more of a 'student led' type of course, meaning that we don't have a 'teacher' but a mentor.  Our mentor is there to guide the conversations and help keep us on task.  This is crucial because all years are in the same room.  We have all four year students in our group so the conversations should be rather exciting and challenging.

Each year we are given a 3", 3-ringed binder filled with that years assigned readings.  On top of that, we also have a Common Lesson binder.  There is just one of those, however.  There are also additional resource suggestions.

Every class (and we meet every week except for regular holidays (Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, and Spring Break) for nine months) open and closes with...well...and Opening and Closing.  There are just little poems or songs or prayers or short stories, etc., to help us focus in and get us ready for class or give us something to ponder as we leave class.

I could go on and on.  Needless to say that I will keep you posted as this journey continues.

Peace be with you.

+ OD


Mike in Tulsa said…
Awesome Jack. Im excited for you - I know you've been working on this for awhile, and I think it rules that you've made it come to fruition.

Hope to come down in the next 3 weeks. Miss you and Mahina & Mariah!
Anglican said…
That's fantastic. I hope to do EfM some day. Until then, pass on your wisdom to us all. Peace.
Ted M. Gossard said…
Great! Glad for that new venture for you and the others.
Odysseus said…
Yeah, I'm really excited. This is one of the steps toward becoming a member of the 'Sacred Order of Deacon'. So, I am completely stoked!

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