A Couple of Quotes

Both from the same source.  Can you guess who it is?
You will realize that doctrines are inventions of the human mind, as it tries to penetrate the mystery of God.  You will realize that Scripture itself is the work of human minds, recording the example and teaching of Jesus.  Thus it is not what you believe that matters; it is how you respond with your heart and your actions.  It is not believing in Christ that matters; it is becoming like him.


There are some who call themselves Christian, and who attend worship regularly, yet perform no Christian actions in their daily lives.  There are others who do not call themselves Christian, and who never attend worship, yet perform many Christian actions in their daily lives.  Which of these two groups are the better disciples of Christ?  Some would say that believing in Christ and worshiping him is what matters for salvation.  But this is not what Jesus himself said.  His teaching was almost entirely concerned with action, and with the motives which inspire action.  He affirmed goodness of behavior in whoever he found, whether the person was Jew or Roman, male or female.  And he condemned those who kept all the religious requirements, yet were greedy and cruel.  Jesus does not invite people to become his disciples for his own benefit, but to teach and guide them in the ways of goodness.  And if a person can walk along that way without ever knowing the earthly Jesus, then we may say that he is following the spirit of Christ in his heart.

Blessings of God be with you.



Kyle said…
I'm a Calvin guy, and when you alerted me to this post, Captain, you said that this would be a "challenge" for me. So I'm gonna guess.....Pelagius?
Odysseus said…
Why would you pick Pelagius? Do the quotes even sound remotely Pelagian?
Ted M. Gossard said…
This is a hard one for me, OD. I get what you're getting at, I think. But Jesus does call people to a personal faith in him.

But faith without works is dead (James). The question might be is faith necessary at all if one has proper works. But my question on that would be- isn't faith taught as necessary for salvation- in the New Testament, and by Christ himself.

As to the quote I don't know. But I have problems with it theologically. It is an error to say Jesus is human unless you say Jesus is human and is God. Both must be said. It's also an error to say Scripture is human writing. Unless you say it's the word of God. It's human, it's likewise from God. (2 Timothy 3:16) The quote doesn't seem to acknowledge that.

I did answer your comment on my post on "balance". I appreciate your challenge there. Does make me think and rethink, a bit.

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