Answered Prayer
Yesterday morning, after I had my usual breakfast, I determined that I would not purchase biscuits and gravy from the cafe in my building.
With that stated, I just finished the chapter on prayer and said a small little prayer, 'God, please give me "ears to hear" your voice.'
As I walked out of my office, the smell of breakfast cooking from the cafe over-came me. I went in and asked for 'the usual'. I was quickly informed that I couldn't be assisted because they were out of gravy. The offered me something else but I refused. When I was asked why, the first thing that popped in my head was answered prayer! I asked to recognize God speaking to me, and I took the 'out of gravy' to be God telling me that I had stated I wasn't going to buy them this morning.
Sometimes we think God speaks to us in the extraordinary. But I believe that God speaks to us each and every moment of every day. God is not silent. We just aren't listening.
In the Grace of the Three in One,