Third Friday Celtic Jam

As the title suggests, every third Friday of the month, there is a Celtic jam at a local music shop called 'Sonder Music'.  I have gone a couple of times and I went last night.  Only this time, I took my bodhran!  I told Mahina that I might not play it since I haven't been playing that long and playing in public is a bit un-nerving the first time out (for me, anyway).  But, I managed to get out my drum after a few moments and plaid for roughly and hour or so.  It was a great time!

The key to drumming (any type really) is to blend in.  You only accent when needed.  You don't try to drown out the other musicians. The job of the drummer is to support the other instruments, to compliment the playing, not to play over them. I have seen too many drummers make every song a drum solo and it just ruins the music.

Another aspect is to listen to the syncopation, the emphasis, and support that, to help emphasize that.  If there is a nice back beat going on, give a little emphasis there and make it stand out just a little bit more.  Another thing I have seen a lot of drummer do is not pay attention to the rhythm of the song and just play something that doesn't compliment the tune but actually distracts from it once more moving into that drum solo mentality.  Just because you can play something loud and fast doesn't mean you should.

Those are the things that I try to do when I play.  I listen, learn, and then play what I feel is appropriate to the song.  I'm always open to suggestions from the other musicians - 'play that again', or, 'not like that, more like this,' etc.  Most certainly, making music is about playing what you feel.  And if your a soloist, that's fine all the time.  But if you are playing with others, you have to try and hear all of the other instruments as well as yourself.  You have to learn to play what feels right for the tune as a whole.

If any of you are in the Norman area and like some good Celtic music, the jam is open to all so come by and take a chair or dance or bring your instrument and set in!


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