Common English Bible Released Digitally!

The Common English Bible has been released digitally today. It's already available for Nook and Kindle, as well as iPad, iPhone, and a host of other ways. It is also available online at as well as it's own website.

According to one article:

Combining scholarly accuracy with vivid language, the Common English Bible is the work of 120 biblical scholars from 24 denominations in American, African, Asian, European, and Latino communities, representing such academic institutions as Asbury Theological Seminary, Azusa Pacific University, Bethel Seminary, Denver Seminary, Princeton Theological Seminary, Seattle Pacific University, Wheaton College, Yale University, and many others.

This is a fascinating translation that I have really enjoyed. A couple of things I like about it is first the collaborative effort used by the translators. From the same article:

“The Common English Bible is the result of collaboration between opposites: men working with women; scholars working with average readers; conservatives working with liberals, many denominations and many ethnicities coming together around the common goal of creating a translation that unites rather than divides, with the ultimate goal of mutually accomplishing God’s overall work in the world.” — Paul Franklyn, associate publisher for the Common English Bible.

The other thing that I enjoy is the changes in words and phrases. Two examples of this are “human” in Genesis 1-2 (instead of “man”) and “Human One” when used by Jesus (instead of “Son of Man”). These are important distinctions for me. I’ll address them briefly in turn.

First: human — In Genesis 1 and 2, the term that is mostly translated as “man” is actual human being. Gender is not brought up until the creation of woman. The translators were correct to make this distinction.

Second: Human One — In the Celtic Christian tradition, Jesus was seen “The Great Remembrance.” In other words, humanity has forgotten who they are at the deepest level and how they are to act. When the ancient Celts looked at Jesus, they remembered what they were supposed to be; what humanity was supposed to be. So, I like the new phrase.

I encourage you to check out this wonderful translation!

In the Love of the Three in One,
Br Jack+, LC


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