Daily Gospel Reflection - 06 October 2011

Matthew 9:18-26 (CEB): While Jesus was speaking to them, a ruler came and knelt in front of him, saying, “My daughter has just died. But come and place your hand on her, and she’ll live.” So Jesus and his disciples got up and went with him. Then a woman who had been bleeding for twelve years came up behind Jesus and touched the hem of his clothes. She thought, If I only touch his robe I’ll be healed.

When Jesus turned and saw her, he said, “Be encouraged, daughter. Your faith has healed you.” And the woman was healed from that time on.

When Jesus went into the ruler’s house, he saw the flute players and the distressed crowd. He said, “Go away, because the little girl isn’t dead but is asleep”; but they laughed at him. After he had sent the crowd away, Jesus went in and touched her hand, and the little girl rose up. News about this spread throughout that whole region.

Yesterday, during the start of the evening news, the program I was watching was interrupted with the story that Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple, had died from his battle with pancreatic cancer. He was 56. Today there has been a flood of news stories, blogs, articles, etc. talking about Steve Jobs and what he accomplished and dreams of what he could have accomplished had he won his battle. This is indeed a sad day, and I don’t mean to diminish the things that Steve brought to the technology world and the world at large. But, every day, several thousand children die from curable disease and famine. Hundreds of police and firefighters die every day just doing their jobs. Countless people involved in wars all across the globe die every single day. Abuse and exploited children, spouses, partners, and the elderly die every day. And we don’t see very much written about them. To me, that is the true tragedy. Where is the out pouring of support and love and kindness and respect for those precious ones?

In the passage before us today, Jesus deals with an incurable disease and death of a loved one. In both cases, the person was healed and given life again. I have read that Steve made it a point, even early in his life, to talk about living your life, of doing the things you want to do, of making every effort to not have regrets. We’ve heard it said before, possibly many times, none of us are promised tomorrow and we should leave each day like it’s our last. In the passage above, do we think that those two people lived each day likes it was their last? I’m not sure. But what about us? Do we live each day like it would be our last? No. And I personally don’t know of anyone who does. It’s a good idea. But is it very practical? Probably not. I think what would be better is to follow Steve’s example and live our own dreams. Don’t listen to the nay sayers and the haters. Some people are just going to be jealous and haters. And sometimes, those people are ourselves.

Another point  I like about the passage above is that Jesus addressed the outcasts, people who were seen as property and not worthy of ones time. Both were female and one was a child. How often do we feel like we are outcasts or not worthy of someones time? I feel that way at times. More often than I would like to admit, actually. But there is hope. Even if no one else cares, even if we don’t care about ourselves (or we pretend that we don’t), rest assured, my dear friends, Christ cares. He sees past our pain and shortcomings and self doubt and false selves. Christ heals us and gives us life. Sometimes, all we have to do is humble ourselves, reach out, and touch the hem of his clothes. And, sometimes, we can’t do that for ourselves. We need others to go to Christ on our behalf and ask for his help, for his life giving Love.

So, as we remember a true visionary in the world of Technology, let us remember that there are still plenty of others that need our support, our respect, our kindness, and yes, our Love. They need us to kneel on the dusty road and reach out to Christ’s hem for them. They need us to be channels of God’s Grace, Mercy, and Love. May we be that, not only for the family and friends of Steve Jobs, but also for the thousands of people who are abused, exploited, and killed every day. For the forgotten ones. For the crazy ones.

In the Love of the Three in One,

Br Jack+, LC


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