Today’s entry in The Celtic Book of Days, is titled, “The Divine Plan.” In it, Simpson tells two stories about the plans God had for Columba and Samson.
Columba’s mother, Eithne, dreamt that she was given a cloak containing “every color of the rainbow.” A young man in her dream told Eithne that the cloak meant she’ll have a son, “and Ireland and Scotland will be full of his teaching.”
Samson’s father, Amon, didn’t want Samson to follow God’s plan for his life, so he refused to send Samson to a Christian school. But, after a very powerful dream, Amon said to his wife, Anna, “Let’s lose no time in sending our son, rather God’s son, to school, for God’s with him and we ought to do nothing against God.”
I know that I fought God’s plan for my life for a long time. God used others—my Mother, friends, even strangers—and some dark times to get me to quit running from it. And, honestly, it’s still something that I struggle with. But, the prayer at the end of today’s entry sums up my feelings very well:
Lord, help me to relax into your plan for me.
Unfold it for me as the acorn unfolds into the oak.
What about you? Do you think God has a plan for your life? If so, has God revealed that to you? What are your next steps to “relax into [God’s] plan” for your life?
In the Love of the Three in One,
Br. Jack+, LC