The Author of the Letter to the Hebrews Discovered!

Well, more like, another name added to the list of many. In fact, this author has been mentioned before by other scholars.

I'm talking about Priscilla.

That's right. A woman. And not just any woman, but the wife of Aquilla who co-taught the great Apollos (Acts 18.24-26). I have read some compelling evidence for this being the author of the letter to the Hebrews. Here, in no particular order is what I have read:

1a. Strong connection to Rome (Heb 13.24)
1b. Priscilla fits this bill (Acts 18.2)

2a. Teacher living and teaching in the city (Heb13.22-24)
2b. Priscilla fits this bill (1Cor 16.19)

3a. Instructions in baptisms (Heb 6.1)
3b. Priscilla fits this bill (Acts 18.24-26)

One of the most telling things, to me anyway, is that fact that we don't have the authors name. If the author was Priscilla, a woman, that would help to explain why the name was lost (or left off). Women, still, weren't seen as equals. To quote Ruth Hoppin on the subject:
Priscilla looms in every avenue of our investigation into the authorship of Hebrews. She had strong church and family connections at Rome (Acts 18.2) and a ministry at Ephesus (Acts 18.19), to coincide with the destination city in several ways, and where her colleague Timothy ministered (2Tim 4.19; 1Tim 1.3). She was a coworker with Paul (Rom 16.3), an equal for the learned and eloquent Apollos whom she instructed (Acts 18.26). Her authorship of Hebrews would account for the otherwise inexplicable loss of the author’s name, without provision of a consistent pseudonym.

I am almost convinced. It is one of the best defenses I have ever read on the authorship of the letter to the Hebrews. If nothing else, it should make us think about it a little more. If you want to read more of the article from which I quoted, you can find it here.

May mercy, peace, and love be yours in abundance.



Pinball said…
Interesting observations. I'm not convinced, however. It's mostly because I don't care enough to study the issue. If the authorship was important for us to know, I think God would have made sure it was preserved. So I'm leery of attaching any particular significance to discovering such secrets. As a fun exercise, I don't see how it harms anyone.
Odysseus said…
Thanks for the input, Pinball.

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