From my old blog . . . 03.20.06

Anniversary: Today marks the 1 year anniversary of Mahina and I after we had a New Beginning last year (obviously). I love this time of year. It is all about New Beginnings! New Creation! It is marvelous. Every day with her, though challenging, is a blessing. She pushes my buttons and the envelope all the time -- in a good way. It helps me think more globally, the way I feel Jesus would have me to think. I learn new things from her all the time. She is my best friend. My lover. The mother of our daughter. My wife. I know it's cliche', especially for us since it used to be 'our song', and, I suppose, to a certain degree it still is (how can you have a different 'our song'?!) but I do really 'love her more than I can say'. That is, when it comes to expressing my love for her in words, I am at the edge of language -- uncharted territory. I have to come up with new words, to go along with New Creation.

Rain: YEAH!!! It has rained for about three days and we need every drop we can get. It has been so nice. Can't wait for more.

Tuesday night: Meeting the 'guys' at Hank Red's (Henry Hudson's) pub around 5:30-6:00. It should be great. It looks like the roster will be me, Pinball, Garron, Joe, Chris (never met him before) and possibly Patrick. I hope Pat comes. I haven't seen or talked to him in a while. From 4-7 they have 80 cent draft beer. Not a bad deal even if it is, to quote Pinball, 'American horse piss beer'. I'll post more about that after the fact.

May mercy, peace, and love be yours in abundance.



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