From my old blog . . . 03.28.06

Simply Christian: Just finished this wonderful book. If you haven't purchased a copy of it yet, stop reading this post and go to Border's and pick up your copy. It is quite a good read -- not too hard or soft, just right (or is that Wright :) ). I really enjoyed what Bishop Wright had to say in it. He addressed a lot of issues that needs to be explored further, but did a grand job by just 'scratching the surface'. Again, get this book!

I am going to start The Last Word again. I read it in its entirety before starting Simply Christian and want to read it again. This book is very dense (or I am. I haven't figured that one out yet). It is about the 'bible wars' and tries to come up with a better understanding of 'the authority of Scripture' and what that actually means, practically. Again, I will be starting this book tomorrow.

OVIS: I think this db is going to work after all. It just needed someone who used the last one to put it through it's paces. I'm glad that was done.

Short post, I know, but I'm tired and ready for bed.

May mercy, peace, and love be yours in abundance.



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